
Strasburg, Colorado

Share Your Thoughts About the Hybrid

 This is the area where we all can share our knowledge as well as learn about these beautiful creatures.
The page is dedicated to those who want to talk about, learn about and get to know just what the wolf hybrid is all about.
Please don't hesitate to join or create your own conversation. 
All Appropriate comments are appreciated.

Blog Update 

I thought I would update you all on what has been going on. 
Of course most of the cubs from the June 8th litter have found new homes and are moving in.

This picture of a light sable was taken on June 21st, he is just 2wks old here. It is amazing to see how fast they change. When you see the cubs on a daily basis you can hardly see the changes. This time, even though we were away from the ranch, we were fortunate to see just how much they could grow and change in appearance in just  17days.  

Here is the same little cub on July 20th. He is bigger, weighing in at about 8lbs. He is no longer the darker sable color of his birth. He has now graduated to a much lighter shade and will most likely continue to lighten even more.

At this age they are very vocal!! And just as active. They display individual personalities and all one has to do is spend a few minutes with them and you want to take them all home. 

As the little pack disperses to join their own, it gets awful quiet and lonely around here. We do not have any expectant mothers, and it's getting a little late in the season so we will probably not see another litter until around the 1st of 2014.

I will keep the image page updated with new pictures, and visit here to respond to comments as well as provide any new information I may run across.



  1. This is where you will find
    1. Messages from The Ranch. These will include birth notices of new cubs.

    2. Pictures will be posted regularly

    3. Answers to any questions asked in previous post.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you all.
    Sharing pictures you may have taken of your own Hybrids.

  2. I recently had a new puppy owner ask a couple of questions that I would like to share with you.

    1. Do all hybrids have blue eyes?
    2. Vet style questions.
    a. Do I treat the hybrid as I would an ordinary dog; in example vet care and food?
    b. Should I feed large breed puppy food ?

    It is a fallacy that all hybrids have blue eyes. Wolves in the wild normally have yellow eyes.

    If someone offers to sell you a hybrid w/ blue eyes, it most likely has either Malamute or Siberian husky in it.
    Adult wolves have yellow eyes and they are not born with that color; when they first open their eyes at 10-14 days they are usually brown and will lighten to yellow in adulthood.

    We recommend regular veterinary program; normal vaccinations and a worming schedule.

    We do not start the pups on any schedule. They have a natural immunity to all, but Parvo, for the 1st few months from their mother’s milk.

    We give a 14 day health guarantee and advise that the purchaser takes their pup asap to a veterinarian of their choice and start the pup on a health program;especially if it will be around other dogs and if they live in an urban area.

    The only diet necessity is that the protein level be kept below 21% until the dog is fully mature. Protein at a higher rate causes improper growth-plate development; resulting in hip, shoulder and elbow dysplasia.

    Personally, I avoid puppy specific dog foods. What you want to look for is protein content and the daily amount to feed. If the dog food calls for daily feeding of more than 4 1/2-5 3/4 cups for a dog weighing 75-100lbs you do not want to buy that.

    We feed our animals free choice, there is always food available for them; this way they eat what they need, when they need it. You can supplement feeding with a raw dog-bone. Ask for dog or soup bones at your local grocery store meat dept. We find them at King Soopers in bags of 4-6. But most often you have to ask the butcher. For a single pup, a bone should last a week or so. Just make sure that they are small enough for the pup; you may want to buy a piece of meat with a bone in it and just cut the bone out.
